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Karolinska institutet
Karolinska universitetssjukhuset

CMM Seminar Series starting in 2024

Nomination of speakers is open.

We would like to get your nominations of excellent Swedish and/or international scientists that could be of broader scientific interest to the CMM community.

Please send your nominations to CMM Communication communication@cmm.se

There is no specific dead-line for when nominations can be made. Selection of speakers will be made by the CMM Steering Group.

CMM will undertake to (together with the nominator) to arrange for a scientific programme for the invited speaker, hosting the seminar as well as providing the opportunity for networking reception after the talk, with some drinks and light bites.

Speakers can e.g. be selected and invited on the basis of their availability in our geographic area (attending collaborative meetings or conferences), and we can for a selected number of guests/speakers also contribute towards travel and accommodation costs if required.

The nominations should include a brief description of the speaker’s scientific profile and relevance to the CMM scientific community (not to exceed more than one page).

About CMM

The Center for Molecular Medicine (CMM) is a foundation instituted by the Stockholm County Council (Region Stockholm). CMM is at the heart of a close partnership with the Karolinska University Hospital and Karolinska Institutet, fueling advancements in biomedical and clinical research.


Center for Molecular Medicine Foundation, org. nr. 815201-3689

Karolinska University Hospital L8:05

Visionsgatan 18

171 76 Stockholm, Sweden


Karolinska institutet
Karolinska universitetssjukhuset