Slide scanning
Using the Hamamatsu NanoZoomer Slide Scanner, we are able to digitalize whole microscope slides. These “virtual slides” can be viewed at any computer using the free software NDP View. On the webpage (click “sign in as guest”) you are able to see some examples of scanned slides.
The benefits of Virtual Microscopy include:
1. Enjoy superior work ergonomics
2. Forget about slide degradation during long-term storage
3. Annotate slides without affecting their contents
4. Many possibilities for software-aided image analysis
The user fee is SEK 100 per slide scanned for CMM user (having CMM account) and Team Cancer users. for external users at Karolinska Institutet the cost is 150 SEK per slide and for extern users outside Karolinska Institutet the cost is 200 SEK.
Your slides for scanning should be clean without any precipitation of mounting medium on the slides. If your slides are not clean for scanning, we will charge you for additional 20 SEK /slides.
Slides for scanning can be dropped off every workday between 08:30 and 09:30 at BioClinicum: J5:30, Room U210 05 6500, expedition 6. Scanned slides will be ready depending on the number of slides for scanning between 3-5 working days.
Download this the order form where you can also find more information about slide preparation:
BioClinicum: J5:30, Room U210 05 6500
Contact person:
Afsar (Maral) Rahbar